Business Office: 118 Granite Shed Lane, Montpelier, VT 05602 | (802) 223-2617
Satellite Office: 2636 Hinesburg Road, Charlotte, VT 05445 | (802) 864-6800
Nationwide: (800) 427-2617
Business Office: 118 Granite Shed Lane, Montpelier, VT 05602 | (802) 223-2617
Sea Island: 749 Lawrence Road Saint Simons Island, GA 31522 | (912) 789-9990
Satellite Office: 2636 Hinesburg Road, Charlotte, VT 05445 | (802) 864-6800
Nationwide: (800) 427-2617
William de Vos, RCA #359, is one of Vermont’s only Registered Consulting Arborists. This is a certification requiring the highest professional standards for practical arboriculture but with an emphasis on helping in legal matters such as trespass cutting and valuation of plant material that may have been destroyed or damaged. He is also T.R.A.Q. certified (Tree Risk Assessment Qualification), a specific credential assuring that trees requiring hazard assessment will receive due diligence.
Contact Treeworks to learn more.
Contact Information
Business Office: 118 Granite Shed Lane, Montpelier, VT 05602 | (802) 223-2617
Satellite Office: 2636 Hinesburg Road, Charlotte, VT 05445 | (802) 864-6800
Nationwide: (800) 427-2617